Archive for March, 2010

70 people catering


We host  “70 people’s catering” on last Saturday.

It was a Mr. Solar Power’s birthday party.

It’s not a party place, it’s just a Yoga studio!

A man with a red shirt at the center of front row is Mr.Eda, called as famous in Mr. Solar Power in NYC.

We had a couple performances.

“Be careful! It’s not just a hamburg, it’s a juicy hamburg with baked Alaskan style!” by Chef Sakurai


This is not a egg omelet. It’s omelet with dashi.

There is many techniques to make a Japanese traditional egg omelet.

People got together and paid attention to his performance by chef Kitagawa.


We’ve got special gifts from a 「Dassai」 brewery.

「Aged  Dassai 39% Junmai Daiginjo」

It’s not available in the U.S.

It’s well balanced and has a soft touch with elegant finish.

They aged it under best condition in their brewery in Japan.


Variety rolls ans stick tempura.


We cook anywhere!


We could cook anywhere kitchen exists.

Look at these storage room. We served 4 courses.

Fortunately we got propane tank.

Bamboo shoot bowl.

Crab Sunomono.

This is really traditional. Simmered scallops, tofu and burdocks.

private chef


Kakusaburo, as private chef in midtown Manhattan